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About us

Who we are

Created in 2015, The Beacon of the Freed is a non-profit organization in the Laurentians that raises awareness among governments, organizations and the public about the reality of human trafficking. It offers direct intervention and training and helps improve the service offer, particularly to the private sector. Together towards a dignified society where human beings are no longer exploited.


Through our concrete and global actions, we are making governments, organizations and the public aware of the reality of human trafficking so that it is recognized and that the fight against it is well organized and effective. We are actively working to develop direct intervention programs to improve the current service offer.

Our actions target

ALL VICTIMS of human trafficking regardless of gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, marital status, social status or other characteristics.


ALL FORMS of human trafficking (sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, etc.).


ALL TYPES of human trafficking (internal and international).


Together towards a dignified society where human beings are no longer exploited.


A diversity of conscious actors engaged and mobilized in a continuum of coherent and complementary services, to act on human trafficking as a whole.


Social innovation

Through new ideas and new approaches, respond more adequately and more sustainably to social needs related to the challenges of exploitation.



Prioritize constructive and concrete actions. 



Consider every person, every partner, every nuance and sensibility.


Awareness / education

Raise awareness of the realities of human trafficking and promote learning the ways to deal with it.



Always keep human beings and respect of their dignity at the center of every action or intervention.

Ce que nous faisons
What we do
The Beacon of the Freed, an organization that fights human trafficking, offers training and awareness
Awareness and training
Research on human trafficking in the Laurentians carried out by the Cégep de Saint-Jérôme and the Beacon of the Freed
Pivots project, partnership against sexual exploitation with the CISSS des Laurentides
The Beacon of the freed offers support services
Side-by-side platform against sexual exploitation
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