Talking about us

Nathalie Khlat, president of the Beacon of the Freed, explains what human trafficking is in its current context. She gives us a portrait of the situation in Quebec and the gaps that are still far too present in the fight against human trafficking, whether it be forced labor or sexual exploitation. Video in French.

La Presse talks about our fundraiser evening and human trafficking!
The services offered to victims of human trafficking are not sufficient in Quebec, while the number of denunciations has increased fivefold in the country, deplores the organization the Beacon of the Freed. Article in French.
A few days before the 2017 Formula 1 Grand Prix, Nathalie Khlat, president of the Beacon of the Freed explains how this event is unfortunately linked to human trafficking, in particular sexual exploitation, here in Montréal. Video in French.
Nathalie Khlat, co-founder of The Beacon of the Freed, explains the difference between human trafficking and human smuggling. She highlights the existence of human trafficking in Quebec and describes how it happens here in its various forms. Video in French.
Buy Sex is Not a Game Campaign - Video to raise awareness of the consequences of sexual exploitation
The Beacon of the Freed is proud to launch the “Buying sex is not a game” campaign to raise awareness among the population and tourists of the often invisible but devastating consequences of sexual exploitation. Article and video in French.