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Our new quiz on exploitation for labor purposes






Our interactive quiz to test your knowledge.







12 portraits, 12 actions you can perform.







​An interactive exhibit on human trafficking here in Quebec.







The Phare des AffranchiEs is not alone in the fight against human trafficking! Visit our pageLearn More.

Quiz on exploitation for labour purposes

The Beacon of the Freed has developed a new tool, in the form of a quiz, concerning exploitation for labor purposes. An english version will soon be available.


Feel free to share it !


Mythes et réalités

Myths and Realities


Come test your knowledge of human trafficking!

For each statement, choose whether it is a myth or a reality.

1. The majority of victims of human trafficking on Canadian soil are foreigners or non-national foreigners smuggled from the international to Canada.


2. Victims of human trafficking are held against their will by physical coercion.

3. A person cannot legally consent to be exploited in a human trafficking situation under the Criminal Code of Canada.

4. Women (and girls) are often used to approach new recruits more easily in the sex industry.

5. In Canada, and around the world, certain laws and government programs make domestic workers more vulnerable to human trafficking for the purpose of labor.

6. Organ trafficking only exists in movies.

7. Anyway, human trafficking is so big that I can't help it.

12 jours
12 days campaign

Our contribution to the "12 days of action against violence against women", which took place from November 25 to December 6, 2018.


Every day, a new quote accompanied by an action was unveiled. Content specific to each thumbnail is available to learn more on external sites.

Day 1
Day 1 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking

What is economic violence:


Economic violence is an act of domination and control which consists of depriving a person of money or preventing them from meeting their needs or even controlling and monitoring their economic activities in order to prevent them from achieving financial autonomy. It can be exercised by a partner or a relative. Economic violence meets the definition of financial abuse. 


Learn more


Information taken from: 

Day 2
Day 2 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking

Protection and assistance for victims of human trafficking :


If you think that you are a victim of trafficking, or you know someone who is, please visit or contact the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) office closest to you. To find the closest IRCC office, please call us toll-free at 1 888 242-2100 (from within Canada only). If you visit an office in person, we can assess your application faster. If you need help right away, please call your local police or 911.


Learn more 


Information taken from: 

Day 3
Day 3 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking

The law :

  • Canada has a law to help deal with the non-consensual distribution of an intimate image. It is illegal for a person to distribute an intimate image of another person without that person’s consent.

  • If someone has a sexual/intimate picture or video of you that was created in private circumstances, and that person knowingly posts it online or shares it with someone else knowing that you would not consent to that (or being reckless about whether you would consent to it), the person could be charged. Given the serious nature of criminal charges, police will need to verify that the person in the picture/video is you — you may need to provide any messages you sent or received about the picture/video, or other details about it, such as identifying features. 


Learn more


Information taken from: 


Information, resources and tools to help you remove sexual pictures and videos from the Internet.


For more information on resources and services related to sexual violence watch the following video.

Day 4
Day 4 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking

What is “fair trade”:

  • "Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers – especially in the South. Fair trade organizations have a clear commitment to Fair Trade as the principal core of their mission. They, backed by consumers, are engaged actively in supporting producers, awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade." 



Learn more


Information taken from: 


To find fair trade business


Day 5
Day 5 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking

If you have concerns as parents, contact the Ligne Parent at 1 800 361-5085 or visit their website : 


Reminder about age and laws: 

  • In Canada, the age of sexual consent is 16.

  • However, consent is invalid when there is authority, dependence or exploitation of the young person.


Information taken from: 


Learn more 


To get more information about sexual consent

Day 6
Day 6 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking

Laws on forced marriage in Canada:

  • The first question is what is meant by forced marriage? The expression “forced marriage” refers to a marital union where one of the parties, and sometimes both, is forced to marry against their will. Such marriages are contrary to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 16 of which provides that “men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.”


Information taken from: 


Learn more


How to report:

  • Report any sexual exploitation situation to the Director of Youth Protection and, where appropriate, the police. You can then help the youth get the support and support they need.

  • For more information 

Day 7
Day 7 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking.jpg

Abortion law: 

  • A woman 14 years old or older can make a decision about an abortion alone.This has been the situation since 1989. She does not need permission from a committee of doctors or anyone else. Therefore, spouses, partners, parents, friends, health-care professionals and religious communities can't make the decision for her or force her into making one decision instead of another.


Information taken from: 


Learn more


Consent to medical care and the right to refuse care:

  • Patients usually have the right to accept or refuse medical care. Medical professionals must therefore make sure patients agree before giving care. In all cases, the patient's decision to receive care or not must be "free and informed".

Day 8
Day 8 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking

What is social violence:

Social violence exists when an individual tries, by various means, to have control over the other person's social circle, often for the purpose of isolating her.

Information taken from: 


What is spiritual or religious violence: 

Spiritual / religious violence is preventing the other person from expressing their religious beliefs freely or from attending a place of worship. It is to criticize and / or ridicule the other for their beliefs, traditions and culture. It is also using certain religious conceptions for the purpose of controlling, manipulating or obtaining favors. It is using religion to justify violence or domination.


Learn more


If you need help with domestic violence


Day 9
Day 9 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking9.jpg

What is verbal abuse:

  • Most often verbal abuse stems from emotional abuse: it consists of sarcasm, insults, yelling or degrading and humiliating comments on the part of the abuser.

  • He can also blackmail or threaten or even give orders brutally. Verbal bullying prepares for physical violence, creates insecurity or fear, and prevents the victim from escaping the situation.


Information taken from : 


Learn more


Resources exist and can help you!

Don't hesitate to ask for help!



Call the Provincial Helpline (24/7, bilingual and confidential) 

1 888 933-9007 

Day 10
Day 10 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking

Canadian labor laws protect temporary foreign workers:

  • Your employer: 

    • must pay you for your work;

    • must ensure that your work environment is safe;

    • cannot take away your passport or work permit.


  • Each province and territory has an office responsible for labor and employment standards. Officers in these offices can talk to you about fair wages, working hours, rest periods and working conditions, in addition to offering you other services.

To reach the CNESST in Quebec.  


For more information on the rights of agricultural workers.


Information taken from : 

Day 11
Day 11 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking

12 helping attitudes during disclosure:

  • Listen;

  • Believe the person;

  • Do not have judgments;

  • Don't ask leading questions;

  • Let the person speak to you in those own words;

  • Receive the person in his emotions and respect his rhythm;

  • Avoid strong reactions, control your emotions;

  • Put the blame on the abuser;

  • Check if the person is in danger and if they have suicidal thoughts;

  • Check if the person has a support network (family, friends);

  • Check the resources of the region and refer as needed;

  • If necessary, seek support.  


Learn more


Information taken from:​ 

Day 12
Day 12 of the campaign 12 days of the Beacon Of the Freed against human trafficking

Find out more about the illicit organ trade:


There are many more people on the planet who need a new organ than there are organs available. As in any market where it is possible to make money because the demand greatly exceeds the supply, you can turn to the black market to get what you need. When a person's life is at stake, the will to survive can override morality.  


Learn more


Information taken from: 

Unveil the invisible anti-trafficking awareness campaign of the Beacon of the Freed

An interactive photo exhibition



The Unveiling the Invisible - Reversing Appearances exhibition is available to visit your institution, organization or event!


The photographic exhibition offers a bilingual interactive experience on the themes of trafficking in persons for the purposes of sexual or labor exploitation and the sharing of images on social networks.


On the other hand, the exhibition exists in two editions and can meet your audiences under certain conditions. Contact us at to reserve it!

Unveil the invisible goes digital.



You are not able to host the exhibition on your premises? We've got you covered with a fully online version. Contact you to request access.

Unveil the Invisible, a little more detail

Brief history

Five new concepts, always interactive

Interactive, how? Visitors first see the situation as it is normally seen and then, by manipulating the material, they find themselves confronted with the revealed reality. Four of the previous concepts were taken over and five new ones were developed. In addition, the visual aids have been improved to allow an immersive experience for the public.

A traveling exhibition

For this new edition, we were aiming for a wider reach, ranging from the greater Laurentians region to different locations in Montréal and Quebec. By making two sets available for borrowing by other organizations, we are able to target a larger and simultaneous scope.


The exhibition is made up of nine concepts, each comprising two photos. The first photo represents what we perceive from the outside and the second photo, revealed through manipulation by the participant, is the hidden reality of exploitation. Posters with more information are available for each of the concepts and resources, divided by role (parent, young people, workers, etc.), and made available to participants.

Target audience

The campaign was created to be accessible to a wide audience. The visual material was designed so as not to have overly explicit images. The exhibition is accessible to an audience of all ages but is aimed at informed customers. As the subject of human trafficking is a sensitive subject, the works presented may disturb some people.

Assembly and disassembly of the exhibition

The exhibits can be transported in a roomy car (minivan type). To accommodate the 9 concepts, you will need space for 3 or 4 folding tables, a sofa or a chair. The Beacon of the Freed also provides two drop-down posters to be installed at the start and end of the exhibition, which explain the concept, give some warnings, offer possible solutions and resources depending on the people affected by human trafficking. The public can visit the exhibition independently, that is, the contents of the exhibition contain sufficient instructions to understand how to handle the material. For example "turning over" a cushion, "lifting" a mini wooden greenhouse, "opening" a door or "going around" a workstation. However, it may be interesting to accompany some visitors if there is a desire to start a discussion or a workshop on the subject of human trafficking. If the available space is limited, you can choose a smaller number of concepts. On the other hand, no modification to the content is authorized.

Photos © Simon Laroche 

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